Saturday, December 11, 2010

Router programming & access-list & ip access-group

Tutorial requirements :
The basic knowledge of designing  simple networks  using packet tracer 3.2
If you did not use the packet tracer before do not panic I will describe the program soon in my Blog .

Router programming & access-list & ip access-group
To download the project click here Router1-1 project 

*Every access-list is connected with the next ip access-group
* I mean that :
Suppose I created this access list
Access-list 1 deny any
The this access-list is connected with the next ip access-group
Ip access-group 1 in

So the full ex like this :

access-list  deny any
int fast 0/0
ip access-group 1 in
*This example deny  the network that connected on port 0/0 to send any message to the out side world  .
Router commands wee need :
3-int fast [port number]
4-ip address [default gateway] [mask]
Access-list commands :
# access-list [1/99] [permit/deny] host [ip] or any

1 To create access list :
c- access-list 1 deny any
Ip access-group commands :
#ip access-group 1 [in/out]
* first you should determine the port of the router that you want to control
*I mean that [The port of the router that the network connected in with the router ]
2-To create ip access-group:
a-[determine the port]
int fast 0/0
b-ip access-group 1 in

Examples :

Ex1: Suppose you have the following :
 Mask =

1-      Network 1 connected to 0/0 router port:
a-Network ID = /19
b-default gateway =
c - Hosts :
Host1= /19
Host2= /19
2-Network 2 connected to 1/0 router port :
a-Network ID = /19
b-Default gateway =
c- Hosts :
Host3= /19
Host4= /19
3- AdminsNetwork connected to 2/0 router port:
a-Network ID = / 19
b-default gateway =
c-Hosts :

* Suppose your manger 'ME :)' asked you that :
            1-I do not want any host to send messages from network 1 to out side world .
            2-The host 4 in Network2 can not send messages but others can .
            3-The Network2 should not receive messages from any network.
In outher words :
Network1 can not send messages But can receive .
Network2 host 2 can not send messages  but others can
Netwoek2 can not receive messages

Ex1 Solution :
I will suppose that you did not programmed your router yet so we will begin together from the scratch :

Let us go :

Solution tips :
1-programe the router default gate ways .
2-create the access-list & ip access-group.
Section 1 Router programming :
Step 1 : double click on the router then press enter .
Step 2 : write 'enable' then press enter.
Step3: write 'config' then press enter.
Step4: press enter.
[if you see this message Router0(config)#] this mean you are on the right way and go to step 5.
Else  reread the previous steps to know where is the error occurred .

Step5: int fast 0/0  [ 0/0 is the port that Network1 connected to] .

The command line   should look like this [Router0(config-if)#].

Step6: ip address [then press enter].
The previous step tells the router that :
Every message from the Network1 will pass to the router through the port 0/0 using the default gate way
Now we programmed the port 0/0 to use the default gateway .
I recommend that you test the connection between the Network1 and the router by send a packet to the router .

If the packet sent successfully go to Step7 else re reread steps 5 and 6 to know where the error occurred .

Know we going to program the second gateway.

Remember :
Network2 connected to port 1/0 using default gateway.

Step7: type exit [to exit from 0/0 port ].
Step8: type int fast 1/0  then press enter [ to access port 1/0].
Step9: type ip address

Know we going to program the third gateway.
Remember :
AdminsNetwork connected to port 2/0 using default gateway.

Step10: type exit [to exit from 1/0 port].
Step11: type int fast 2/0  then press enter [ to access port 2/0].
Step12: type ip address

Congratulations now you finished programming the router ports and default gateways now it is very important to test your networks,
 I recommend to do that send packet from Host1 to Host4 then
 send packet from Host 4 to Host 1.
Then send packet from Admin1 to Host1 then to Host2.

Do not go to the next section if you did not tested your network successfully .

Section 2 creating access-list & ip access-group :
Remember your manger says that :
1-I do not want any host to send messages from network 1 to out side world .

Solution 2-1 :
If your command line looks like this [Router0(config-if)#] type exit then press enter to become like this [Router0(config)#]
Creating access-list 1 :
Step 1 : type access-list 1 deny any then press enter [prevent any host to send messages]
This step to create an ip access-group
Remember every access list is connected with next access group
Step 2 : type int fast 0/0 [to determine access-list 1 controls witch port ]
Step 3 : type ip access-group 1 in then press enter [ in mans send out means receive]
The steps from 1 to 3 means that :
Crate access-list in name 1 and this access list prevent any host to send massages and connect the ip access-group 1 with access list 1 .
In in 'ip access-group 1 in' means that this access-group controls the flow of data comes from the Network1 throw port 0/0 to the router.

Creating access list 1 & ip access-group 1 full code :
access-list 1 deny any 'enter'
type int fast 0/0 'enter'
ip access-group 1 in 'enter'
I recommend to test your work before continue .

Solution 2-2 :

Creating access-list 2 :
Remember your manger :
2-The host 4 in Network2 can not send messages but others can .
Hint : host 4 ip =
Step 1 : type exit [if your command line looks like this 'Router0(config-if)#'.
Strp 2 : type access-list 2 deny then press enter
Then    type access-list 2  permit any [other host can send messages]

Creating ip access-group 2

Step 3 : int fast 1/0
Step 4 : ip access-group 2 in

Creating access-list 2 & access-group 2 full code :
Exit 'enter'
access-list 2 deny 'enter'
access-list 2 deny 'enter'
access-list 2  permit any 'enter'
int fast 1/0 'enter'
ip access-group 2 in 'enter'

I recommend to test your work before continue .

Solution 2-3 :
Remember your manager :
3-The Network2 should not to receive messages from any network
Remember :
In ip access-group
In = send
Out = receive

Creating access-list 3 :
Step 1 : exit then enter [your command line should look like this Router0(config)#]
Step 2 : access-list 3 deny any then enter [ Network2 can not receive messages ]
Step 3: int fast 1/0 then enter [Network 2 is connected with router using 1/0 port]
Step 4 : ip access-group 3 out [ out=receive]

Now it is time to  some simulation :
Remember the manger :
1-I do not want any host to send messages from network 1 to out side world .
Send packet from Host 1 to Admin1 to check that [ will blocked].
Then send packet from Amin1 to Host 1 .[Will allowed].

2-The host 4 in Network2 can not send messages but others can .
Send packet from Host 4 to Admin1 to check that.[will blocked]
Then Send packet from Host 3 to Admin1 [will allowed]

3-The Network2 should not receive messages from any network.
Send packet from Admin1 to Host4 to check that.

I Hope you get benefit's from my  tutorial and I hope you provide me with your feed back this is my first tutorial so your opinion and notes about my style of learning  is very important to me .

Thanks to :
Dr Mohammad Al Maany : My networks instructor.
Mrs Sanaa Al Omosh : My network lab supervisor .
My friend Mr  Tamer Al Magableh
Ex1 is finished i will post alot of packet tracer 3.2 tutorials soon .
Best wishes
Hamzeh AL-Darawsheh.